Report Data


A Report Data is an object (images/download/thumbnails/191398628/image2018-2-22_8-33-3.png ) available in the Tree view like a mesh, a point cloud, a label...

The Report Data contains data to use in a report. This data is, mainly, added automatically in the project by commands providing data such as; measurements, comparisons or various analysis (like Analysis > Compare Inspect Cloud).

A Report Data can contain:

  • one or several view sets (at least one by default)

  • tables of data

  • pictures

  • other values such as results, parameters of the command, graphic, etc.

When you launch the Report Editor for the first time after creating a report data, a chapter will be automatically created, using a default Report Template.


From the tree view

Click on the magnifying glass images/download/thumbnails/191398628/image2018-2-22_8-28-54.png next to the Report Data, in the tree view, to see all available actions.


  1. Click on Show images/download/thumbnails/191398628/image2018-2-22_8-29-6.png to apply the stored viewset to the 3D scene to see what is the view available in the report.

  2. Click on Update images/download/thumbnails/191398628/image2018-2-22_8-29-16.png to replace the stored viewset by the current scene display.

  3. Click on Open editor images/download/thumbnails/191398628/image2018-2-22_8-29-42.png to open the Report Editor and go to the corresponding chapter.


If you add a label in the folder where the Report Data is, the label will automatically appear in the table in the corresponding chapter.

When you create a label by clicking on an object with a color gradient, the label will be created in the same folder as the object.

Manual creation

You can create a Report Data from labels.

Select label(s), open the Contextual menu and choose Add new chapter in the report, or select labels and go to Create Custom Chapter

Report Data in the Report Editor

All information stored in all Report Data is available in the Data panel of the Report Editor. So you can create a custom chapter using data from several Report Data.