Tree view


The tree view allows to visualize and interact with all the elements of the project (point clouds, meshes, polylines...).

It is divided in two areas: a toolbar and a list view.

The toolbar

The toolbar contains two filters (by object name and by object type) and a button displaying a menu to adjust tree view settings.

Filter by object name:



  • Add a name in this field to filter the tree view list.

  • Or click the cross icon to undo.

Filter by object type: images/download/thumbnails/191398616/filterIcon.png


  • Select the object types you want to display in the tree view.

  • Select or deselect all types with the filter icon.

Both filters are compatible with each other.

Display options: images/download/thumbnails/191398616/TreeviewIcon.png



The tree view is available in 3 different modes: Docked, Integrated, Floating

  • The Docked mode will use the left part of the 3D scene.

  • The Integrated mode will display the tree over the 3D scene on the left.

  • The Floating mode will use a separate window to display the tree view.

Tip & Trick

Use the Floating mode to display the tree view on a separate screen.

Compact Mode

  • In this mode, empty default folders are not visible.

This mode is enabled by default.

The list view


This view is composed of 3 columns.

The first column displays the name of the object.

The second column is used to display the visibility status presented as a small bulb icon:




The element is visible.

The same icon is used for a folder when all children elements of this folder are visible.


The element is hidden.

The same icon is used for a folder when all children elements of this folder are hidden.


The folder contains both visible and hidden objects.

To show only an element from the tree, press CTRL and click on the bulb icon. If the object is outside the scene, the camera moves to make the object entirely visible.

To show or hide objects in the 3D scene, you just have to select them (in the scene or in the tree), then right click and select:

  • Hide to remove the selection from the 3D scene

  • Show to display the selection in the 3D scene

  • Show only to make everything invisible and then show the selection

  • Zoom on to make a progressive zoom in order to see where the object is located

The third column allows users to interact with the object.

Most of the time, there is a colored disk displaying the component color. Clicking on it will allow you to change the element aspect.

Tip & Trick for clipping planes and UCS

For clipping planes and coordinate systems, the disk is replaced by a red/green switch used to quickly activate/deactivate the object.

Default folders

New projects are created with the following default folders:



Cloud group

Default folder for clouds

Mesh group

Default folder for meshes

Contour group

Default folder for polylines

Geometric group

Default folder for geometries: planes, cylinders, circles...

Measure group

Default folder for inspected elements and labels

CAD group

Default folder for CAD objects

Other Objects

Default folder for view sets, camera paths, trajectories or grids

Clipping Group

Default folder for clipping planes

Coordinate System

Default folder for coordinate systems

CloudWorx group

Default folder for CloudWorx clouds

These default folders cannot be deleted. They are hidden if there is no element (for instance deleted or moved).


Rename items

3 options are available in order to rename an object:

  • Slowly double-click on the object in the tree view.

  • Select the element and right-click to use the contextual menu.

  • Select the element and press the F2 key.

Tip & Trick

Rename several elements in one click by selecting all of them and then hitting the F2 key (or through the contextual menu). The name will be the prefix followed by an incremented number.

For example, using "tunnel" as a prefix will create "tunnel 1", "tunnel 2", "tunnel 3"...

Drag and drop

Items can be dragged and dropped in the tree view from one folder to another in order to reorganize your data.

Keyboard shortcuts

The tree view uses most of the shortcuts available on Windows Explorer. Read also Shortcut keys.




Rename the selected element(s).


Set the focus on the filter field.


On a selected folder, unfold the folder.


On a selected folder, fold the folder.


On a selected folder, unfold all the sub-folders.


Select element(s) contiguously.


Toggle selection of element(s).

CTRL + Left Button

On the bulb icon, show only the selected element(s).

Tip & Trick: property

Hover the mouse on an element's name to display its properties.

Tip & Trick for invisible objects

Keep pressed the left button on an invisible object in tree view in order to display it temporary in the 3D scene.

This works for all objects except view sets and local coordinate systems.

For clouds and meshes, if the number of points/vertices exceeds the number of points for dynamic display, the object will not be previewed.