Unroll along Axis
This command unrolls polylines according to a curved axis. It is suitable to make longitudinal profiles of a curved way or a curved bridge for instance.
Select the polylines or the set of polylines to unroll, then launch the command.
Polylines to unroll are supposed to follow the axis in 2D to minimize deformations due to the projection.
Note the results are a report data and a set of polylines:
the report data gives you the ability to insert it in a .pdf report. Refer to the Reporting section.
the set of polylines can be sent to Autocad (refer to the Send to AutoCAD command). It is hidden by default: you can display it through the tree and find it near the origin pressing the Y shortcut.
Limit objects manipulation is available in this command with CTRL+SPACE shortcut.
See Exercise: Draw a longitudinal profile in the Beginners Guide