Cyclone 3DR Script
from Technodigit, part of Hexagon. Copyright 1997-2023.
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CSCameraExternalAllow edition of the external camera parameters of a SImage
 CSCameraInternalAllow edition of the internal camera parameters of a SImage
 CSCloudIteratorProvide access to cloud iterator methods
 CSColorGradientAllow the user to edit a color gradient
 CSCompAbstract class storing methods available on most 3D objects
 CSBIMProvide BIM objects edition methods
 CSClippingAbstract class used by the following derived classes: SClippingBox and SClippingPlane
 CSClippingBoxProvide clipping box edition and creation methods
 CSClippingPlaneProvide clipping plane edition and creation methods
 CSCloudProvide point cloud edition and creation methods
 CSCwCloudProvide CloudWorx cloud edition and creation methods
 CSFeatureAbstract class storing methods available on all 3D geometry
 CSCircleProvide circle edition and creation methods
 CSConeProvide cone edition and creation methods
 CSCylinderProvide cylinder edition and creation methods
 CSLineProvide line edition and creation methods
 CSPlaneProvide plane edition and creation methods
 CSRoundSlotProvide round slot edition and creation methods
 CSSphereProvide sphere edition and creation methods
 CSSquareSlotProvide square slot edition and creation methods
 CSImageProvide image edition methods
 CSLabelProvide labeling features, to annotate objects in the 3D scene and extract analysis values
 CSMultilineProvide polyline edition and creation methods
 CSPointProvide point edition and creation methods
 CSPolyProvide triangular mesh edition and creation methods
 CSReportAllow the creation of reports
 CSReportDataAllow the storage of reporting data, used to fill a SReport
 CSSetMultilineAllow to regroup SMultiline in a single SComp entity: a set of polylines
 CSShapeShape manipulation class
 CSViewSetAllow to save the camera position and the visibility of objects in a 3D scene
 CSDialogProvide simple dialog creation methods
 CSFileProvide an interface for reading from and writing to files on disk
 CSMatrixProvide matrix with 3 lines and 4 columns to make any transformation
 CSVectorAllow the use of the mathematical vector object
 CSXmlReaderAllow to read xml files
 CSXmlWriterAllow to write xml files