Create Color Map
This command calculates a color map that shows the distance between the tank mesh and its best cylinder. The tank mesh is colored.
Before launching this command, the Best Cylinder must be computed.
The shell mesh is automatically used for the command. If there is no shell mesh available and no selected mesh,
the tank mesh defined for the project is used.
In other words:
Selected mesh: the selected mesh is used;
No selected mesh and shell mesh available: the shell mesh is used;
No selected mesh and no shell mesh available: the tank mesh defined for the project is used.
The shell mesh is available after using the command Separate Shell.
Create a report
This command automatically creates reporting data
in your document. This object stores your results so as to create a report later.
From the treeview click on the magnifier icon
to launch the report editor (or launch Report Editor). Then, each object
stands for a chapter which can be added to your report.
Refer to Reporting to learn how to customize your report.